Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Goodbye Time

One moment the first steps were a struggle the next we find ourselves on our death bed such is the life of man. Here and then gone the next so on goes the story for all of mankind, I helded the key to so many years it would seem in infancy, even in youth time remain countless innumerable as it were!
Yet the last four years have taken their toll and facts rather cannot be quite ignored by anyone!
There is hope while there is breathe and so goes the saying till those have taken their last one, living in such uncertain times truth grows all the more dearer! What becomes of tomorrow I yet don't know that is why today I say goodbye time. Tomorrow the cares of this world will be there so that hope in the goodness of God may stay my weary heart. Goodbye time you were never my own, you found those waiting and those least expecting stealing breathe. Such an ancient custom perhaps all too well known! At its novice beginnings such was not the original intented design time did not exist till one day that forever became the great grandmother of time itself. Moments fade and hearts grow cold as history and seasons change into somewhat somehow just another segment in the book of Time!

Friday, February 13, 2015

 Sometimes the things we want are the very things we have to wait the longest for, this has proved a common strain throughout my time on this blessed plot! Such marvelous lessons fall within this grand design! The months are slipping by, since the move time seems to be moving rather slow. Only been here for almost two months feels like five months instead! I am within walking distance to the local town, which consists of two Diners, movie theater and of course a couple bars! There is a newer Library in which I cannot wait to explore! Books are so important to me, their a way to strengthen the mind. There is one thing I have been dying to do more on the outdoor side of things is play Hockey again cannot wait to hear the slap of the puck or the rough edges of the hockey stick, and feel the speed and excitement race through my veins, another time only 6.5 years ago my brothers and I would take Dad's truck down on New Year's to the lake and turn on the lights and play hockey with friends till our head lamps or the truck batteries died. I miss those days perhaps we will bring back that tradition next year! I know so few people here, let's see here there's Brie, Mckenna and Melanie, Melanie meets me once or twice for Coffee and a walk along the River! I enjoy this time immensely so thankful for our talks, she is originally from MN moved to Colorado after finishing college to make a long time dream come true! Mckenna lost her Dad not too long ago, she is a super fun snowboarder probably one of the best I have met! Brie is a native, she loves the mountains and moved here this fall to work at the ski resort to also make her dream become a reality not sure what she wants to do in life yet however she could do anything she wants extremely smart! I started walking Vail this week my goal is to meet all the small business owners there and develop relationships with them! A situation happened tuesday that gave me this ideal! I went into a shop before leaving for home after work, I saw fish fossil rocks and my nerdy side won, went to check them out! Sure enough they were real, straight from Wyoming! The lady who answered my questions was Russian Irena very kind young lady!  From that conversation got to share with her what I believe about creation and was able to touché on the Gospel through it! I ski whenever I am not working getting outside into the fresh air is wonderful! So this is the small new world I am in, there are so many people here, I want to start a small ladies study when I have met more people! Pray that God will open doors and put me in the right place as He has thus far at the right time!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

    A new chapter has begun,  I pray that in this time and season of life I may honor the Lord more than ever before in my life! There are so many tides and currents coming at different directions, it can be not so hard to become distracted from what truly matters. The church here is dead, it is filled with souls that only want their ears tickled just as it is a crossed the nation and the world. I have yet to meet serious souls in love with Christ here, there are a few who are interested in understanding what that means! This is heart breaking yet I believe God has a reason for everything He does and I pray that I will be bold in the coming months to declare the goodness He has so graciously poured out on my soul! While the world runs mad with sin may I run hard for the Lord! Charlie T. Studd is one of my heroes in the faith, he gave up what to men seemed like everything to serve the King of Kings, he once said, "If Jesus Christ be God and died for me then no sacrifice is to great for me to make for Him." I want that quote to be my life's story! It is not what I may find as my greatest love to be my highest calling rather it is what my sovereign should ordain to be my life's unending passion!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

   The New Year has begun, and though it is a new season I cannot forget the things in life that have made me whom and what I am in Christ! January 1st marks a new year yes yet more importantly it marks the Birthday of my hero in the faith! On a rainy morning in late August 1994 my grandmother headed to the store to run some errands like any other day, yet not in so many ways which would be clear the older I grew! She had asked my  Dad over and over again to let me go with her, normally my Dad would let me spend the entire day with Grandma, on this particular day he refused. We had breakfast with her and then off she went to do her shopping. Coming back as she was not but ten minutes from home a young man would fall asleep at the wheel and come straight over into her lane on the one way highway! Hitting her dead on there was no way for her to escape with the truck sealing her off from the left and to the right locking her in the guard rail, Heaven only knows what she thought in those last few moments. Jaws of life would have to come to even get her body out of the car! The young man would survive the accident, a rookie mistake just 17 and had been driving all night from dropping sister and mother off at the airport. I don't know where he is today yet i pray he has  found Heaven's grace and is comforted! I will never forget that day as long as I live. As my parents and I drove out in our big red truck from the wooded driveway, a police man stopped us. Daddy got out and I remember seeing Daddy lean heavily on the truck, the windows were partially down, I strained to hear what made Dad so upset, I caught the words DEAD and ACCIDENT, there the crusher came YOUR MOM. My little mind started spinning not Grandma no couldn't be I struggled inside. I got out and looked up at Dad, his eyes met mine and I knew the answer! Dad picked me up and set me on the hood of the truck. I sat there numb, no Grandma was coming back I would see her at dinner that night my brain kept saying! The Officer then left, we got back into the car, turned around and went straight home. There was no work that day time itself stood still. We rounded the bend and somehow found our way through the front door of the house, VJ and Christian my little brothers were confused being so little. Mom picked of VJ and set him on the counter and said do you understand what happened, he shook his head. Then mom said it Grandma went to see Jesus and will not be coming back ever again! Days went by the funeral came I remember looking into that beautiful face longing for her to say something, I stood there for a long time peering at her on my tip toes! I wept that day and haven't cried as hard as I did then! Months went by Grandpa was quiet and didn't say much in those days and who could blame him. As time went by mom would often find me crying a lot.
   One day I came downstairs after crying and said mom I want to see Grandma again and I know I can't cause I will go straight to Hell if I die today! Mom sat down on the couch  with me and we talked for a long time! I had made up my mind everything my parents had taught me wasn't a joke Grandma's death made that a reality for me! I wanted to serve and love the Lord she and my parents lived for with all my heart! I wanted to be headed for Heaven the rest of my days and be rid of my filthy sins! That day my entire life changed, I became a Christian my life was now the Lord's, I was free to serve my Savior, New Hope surged through my little heart. Yes I would now see my Grandma again, yet even better I knew I would one day see the King of Kings! From a wicked selfish child of wrath, to a servant of the most high. My Grandmother's death brought new life in Christ! I am forever thankful for the example of my Grandma she loved the Lord with a passion, she is my hero because of what God did in her life! May I become more like my Savior this new year! Happy Birthday Grandma Bruce

Saturday, December 27, 2014

  Christmas has come and gone again this year! Every year the older I grow things seem to race by so much faster. So many times I have found myself recently remembering things that I had  once thought of as a young lass happening exactly as I imagined them! And just like that those one time experiences have come and gone it all feel a bit odd, yet this may just be that kind of season in life and things may settle down in time. I have learned so much about myself this year, it seems to me that the older we get the less we realize how much we know about ourselves! There is one thing that remains the foundation for everything within this great adventure called life! There is infallible wisdom to direct, unchangeable love to comfort, and eternal power that always defends! Thanking the Lord for such profound blessings! With so much beautiful scenery taking hikes or walks is fast becoming one of my favorite pass times. The picture is a bridge not 10 minutes from my house, the morning was brisk as the Sun had just risen, there is so much peace in this picture!

Friday, December 26, 2014

     Gently the shallows froze with Mid winter's cold as the long months were about to set in, a young lady quietly approached taking in the small yet raging river refusing it appeared to freeze completely over as the stream raged on! The beauty engulfed the shore and the scattered rocks amidst the flowing  water the picture was just a trivial attempt to capture the view! Shorelines decorated with ice and large red bushes this new place was now home! Strange some ten days before home had been quite a different place. Temporal still yet a moment in time that there was so much learned and gained through these experiences. Now reunited with family another chapter turned soon after thus so quickly. A season to always remember and thank God for the many blessing within.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Just Another Day

 In the midst of so many things going on, I find time to stop and consider how it is that I am alive and living yet another day. Now 23 years old which means I have lived about 8,395 days on this earth. The grace that is given to live each and every one of those days is beyond my finite mind. It is such a blessing to know that each one of those days lived out, God allowed and knew before the beginning of time. One of the missionaries that has been on my mind recently died at the age of 25, his name William  
Whiting Borden. He was born into one of the most wealthy families in Chicago, he finished high school at age 16 and went to Europe and Africa while there his eyes were open to the need that surrounded in such a spiritually dark world. When he finish college in 1909 he decided to go be a missionary to the Muslims in the Northern area of China. God had other plans for this young man, he died while in Egypt during his training there only 25 years old. His life goal was to serve Christ on the mission field, he gave up wealth, fame and acceptance to follow the greatest calling for a human being. That is to serve and give our lives to Christ holding nothing but this is not a sacrifice as some might think rather it is the greatest honor. William's life inspires me as I finish working on my degree in premed, not to grow tired or take the days given for granted but to remember they are leading up to the longing of my heart to serve my King wherever I am. So when I go to biochemistry lab or organic chemistry lecture whatever it may be my heart must always be thanking God for the moments I have doing these things to the fullest of my ability. I would rather serve God in the hardest of places one day than live a normal live in the States, I hope and pray that I too can be like William and seek out the lost souls that I come into contact with for Christ.